The movie starts with an illusive and mysterious quote from Edgar Alan Poe, expanding the theme with an intriguing dense mystery that begs the question of life and death. The movie takes place with a sound of a trumpet from a distance in a vast plain of snow, where a man named August Landor introduces himself to a captain, followed by a tense dialogue at the mention of an Academy.
It frames a collapse of our prior conception of the story, an art that directs the audience to a scene that Patrick Batemen beautifully crafted to mask his crimes. Revealing hidden layers of an opportunity within an opportunity.
Harry Melling’s portrayal of Edgar Allan Poe was nothing short of fantastic. The way he embodied the iconic author was truly impressive. The dialogues written for Poe were exquisite and kept me engaged, even during moments when the film’s pace slowed.
Fulfilling each symbol of the movie with a design that pours into a poetic attempt, rituals, ceremonies, and the hanged men.
Especially with the quote that starts in the movie, escalating a crafted theme that frames everything in life and death beneath a scale. But in the end, even life and death can be played as a fool.